Monday 31 August 2015, 10.30 am to 2.30 am, Community Centre Papatotoe
Woman Care Trust celebrated 6th seniors day on 31st August 2015 at Community Center. There were more than 50 ladies enjoyed this function. The event began at 10:30 am with the holy words of choupai sahib. After that one of the ladies sang a devotional song. All women did some warm up exercises under the supervision of the yoga instructor (Paramjit Kaur) Light refreshment was provided by Dheil family. Everyone took participate in the four rounds of Tambola. Baljit Dheil distributed prizes to all the winners. Dr. Kamaljit Kaur gave some useful tips to avoid and get relief from joint pain. After that we had Swapna from cona, who spoke about how to reduce our home rubbish. At the end BBQ was served by swapna as well which was liked by all.
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